#GMAT30 #GMATprep #CR #Boldfaced #99thpercentileprocess #Thinklikea99thpercentiler
GMAT 30 > #GMAT30 #GMATprep #CR #Boldfaced #99thpercentileprocess #Thinklikea99thpercentiler
“AND” vs Additive Phrases on the GMAT Sentence Correction
Additive phrases act as modifiers and do not compound/pluralize the subject. Additive Phrases include the following markers – AS WELL AS TOGETHER WITH INCLUDING APART FROM RATHER THAN INSTEAD OF NOT (in the context of, say, “John, not Sam, WAS going to the office”) IN ADDITION TO In case of additives, the noun to the […]
Ace Boldfaced questions in GMAT Critical Reasoning in under 1.5 mins
GMAT Boldfaced questions are considered quite tricky and time-consuming. In this article, we simplify the approach to solving any boldfaced question in under 2 minutes using GMAT30’s patented 3-step strategy