I wrote the GMAT and scored a GMAT750 (98th%ile). This blog is meant to inform the question types, strategies, and changes in the exam pattern I observed whilst writing the GMAT.
Overcoming Self-Doubt: An Inspirational GMAT Verbal Journey Self-doubt is something we all face at some point in our lives. For some, it stops us from leaping into the great unknown, resigning us to ask “What if?” for the rest of our lives. For others, this self-doubt is made worse by those we encounter. Keeping us […]
GMAT is a wonderful exam that tests your critical reading, writing, and reasoning skills acquired to date. Critical skills are a crystal clear thought process regarding the concepts and their application. For the majority of the candidates who have been brilliant academic performers or in fact, valedictorian’s, GMAT proves to be an eye-opener with the […]